Wednesday, July 23, 2008

US Travel

Travel Date : 6th June 2008
Alright , here comes my first blog (..yaawn already started feeling lazy ). Ok no more jokes . Here I go to the Land Of Free = "US" of. "A". Phew I land on the streets and you can't miss the rush on the streets, and u see those *yellow* cabs all over the place.

And there is get fooled the moment I land ...hehe , a guy agrees me to drop to NYC from JFK and he charges me 180 $ :-) ..lolz soon I figure out that if I had taken the NYC yellow cab it would have costed me mx 75$ ..ehmm . Moral of the story beware of these guys . The NYC cabs are the safest and the best .

First week into NYC and I get a chance to see the "PuertoRico Day" . I need to mention these guys live their life to the fullest. Me recovering from the jetlag fast asleep and there they come out with their blaring music. I had no clue as to why have these people come together and for a second I thought ,is it 4th of July :-) .

However it was great fun,close to carnival , the parades the hot looking ladies (..had to mention it and the smartly dressed cops. Good to see that the Cops and People getting so close as we all know how good relationship we have with the Cops ..haha

Flags all over the place and people going beserk blowing whistle's . For a second I thought the flags are for free ,however when I asked for one they started asking me for money. Bad .. as a visitor you need to be carefull where you need to fork out money,coz it's very easy to be fooled .

First day of the office(JP Morgan Chase) next week and there is that excitement of meeting all these guys with whom i work way back on the other side of the world i.e India . I met the guys , get a chance to go to the trading floor and meet the traders. I always wanted to go down there and feel the excitement and it's all worth it.Thats the first time I have seen someone use close to 7-8 screens ,just like a Control Centre...phew . The exp. was nice for the fact that many knew me and I wasn't even aware of that as I just spoke to them over a messanger.